Friday, 28 September 2007

Being Obnoxious

Played badminton today. Was looking forward to it. Had a good warm-up and then a new chap appeared.
I met many people in my life but this chap takes the cake for being really obnoxious.
He took it upon himself to "train" me during the game. He criticised my every more. He physically manhandled me to position me at the spots he thought I should be. He raised his voice like an adult to a young child.
In short, he was an ass and a real pain in the you know where.
I kept my cool. I told myself that he was not going to spoil my night. But I had enough of him being so full of himself. Indeed, when a friend at the game offered to get me a new racket since my current racket had problems with the strings, the pain could not help it but added a snide remark that it was not a problem with the strings. Enough was enough, I left earlier. He tried then to be friendly but he knew that he crossed the boundaries of being polite. It did not help when he called me "Ah Drain".
Haha. It was funny in a rather painful way. What to do, I asked myself.
Will have a guest in town from tomorrow. Going to be a long and tiring weekend.

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