Sunday 19 June 2011

Goodbye Hanoi for the Family

After almost four and a half years, my family left for home.

Mum, I suspect, may be the most affected as she had settled well into life in Vietnam.

She enjoyed the trips to the market and the visits to the countryside.

It was as expected a difficult farewell for Ian as he said goodbye to his friends, some of whom were distraught by the thought that Ian will no longer be around. Ian now has to get himself ready to the hustle and bustle style of schooling in Singapore. I personally think the Singapore system of education sucks because it takes away the joy of discovering the world. But I will leave to another time.

Given her young age, Nat was rather ambivalent to the idea of return but she is also in for a challenging time because of the adjustment back into the kindergarten system. Sigh.

As for Nic, the accident at home caused by a falling piece of glass was a dramatic and disheartening end to her stay in Hanoi. But Nic is like Peter to me, for she was a rock and a colossus of strength at home. She was the glue that held us together.

Now the missing begins...till my turn to leave this place for home.

Monday 13 June 2011

New Player


New player at Manchester United. Jones.

Where he is going to play?

An End of a Chapter

Nicole and the kids are leaving this weekend for Singapore.

They first arrived in Hanoi in Feb 2008.

More than three years now.

I will leave in December.

They will come up again in November after Ian's exams. To say goodbye to everyone.

I will miss them while they are away. Skype will be a daily option but will not make the distance more bearable.

It is the end of a chapter.

And soon, the beginning of a new one.

Monday 6 June 2011

Off to Ha Tinh

Will be visiting Ha Tinh tomorrow.

Not sure what to expect.

Let's see.