It rained heavily today. Had to drag myself out of bed. But the rain cooled the heat that had been permeating Ha Noi over the past few days. Temporary relief it may be but relief nevertheless.
The best way to start the day, especially a wet one, is with a cup of black coffee, Vietnamese style.
I have grown to enjoy the taste of the local coffee, in particular when they serve you with the drip filter (ca phe den phim). It is an acquired taste though given that it is strong and mildly bitter sweet. And the locals like it really strong. Once it hits the stomach, it is all systems-go. Rocket fuel!
Fun. Chia and company, Ah May included, I am certain you will like the taste and texture of the local coffee. Another reason to visit me? No, Ah May, I have yet to try the coconut water!
I read recently that a man who had been taking a particular type of medication for a long time was discovered to have dark greenish blood like Dr Spock in Star Trek. Once he stopped the medication, the colour of his blood turned back to normal.
Wonder whether I will face the same challenge. Better not!
Ok. I will drink tea for a day. Just one day. To give the blood a day of rest!
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